

Call for Participation
•   The 2nd International Conference on Education, Informatics, and Cybernetics: icEIC 2012 (www.2012-falliiisconfer.org/iceic)
•   The FALL 3rd International Conference on Society and Information Technologies: ICSIT 2012 (www.2012-falliiisconfer.org/ficsit)
August 7th, 2012 is the deadline for abstracts/draft papers submissions, for this CFP.
Collocated with (the same deadlines):
•   The 2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Applications: ICTA 2012
•   The FALL 6th International Conference on Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management: KGCM 2012
Submissions should be made via the respective conference web sites which URLs are provided at www.2012-falliiisconfer.org/cfp, where a more detailed call for papers (and invited session organizers) can be found, along with information about the topics suggested for each event and links to information related to past 2011 conferences.
Details about the following issues has also been included at the URL given above
•   Pre- and post-conference virtual session
•   Virtual participation
•   Two-tier reviewing combining double-blind and non-blind methods.
•   Access to reviewers’ comments and evaluation average.
•   Waiving the registration fee of effective invited session organizers
•   Best papers awards
•   Publication of best papers in the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics (All papers to be presented at the conference will be included in the conference printed and electronic proceedings)

Organizing Committees of the Collocated Events

If you wish to be removed from this mailing list, please send an email to remove@mail.2012-falliiisconfer.org with REMOVE MLCONFERENCES in the subject line. Address: CC El Placer II, Urb., # 5, Urb. El Placer, Caracas, Venezuela.
